Dr. rer. nat. Torsten Thalheim
- 2000 - 2007: Study, Computer Science (University of Leipzig), Diploma Thesis: Hybride Ameisenalgorithmen zur Lösung von Proteinfaltungsproblemen
- 2007 - 2011 Study, Applied Natural Science (TU Freiberg) and Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Ph.D. thesis: Tautomere chemischer Strukturen
- 2011 - 2014 PostDoc, Leibniz Institute for Age Research - Fritz Lipmann Institut
- 2014 - 2022 IZBI Project Leader
- data science
- agent based modeling
- graph theory
2024 (2)
- Torsten Thalheim, Marlon R. Schneider. Skin single-cell transcriptomics reveals a core of sebaceous gland-relevant genes shared by mice and humans. BMC Genomics. 2024. 25: 137.
- Aylin Yaba, Torsten Thalheim, Marlon R. Schneider. The role of cell–cell and cell–matrix junctional complexes in sebaceous gland homeostasis and differentiation. Cell Communication and Signaling. 2024. 22: 445.
2022 (5)
- Ali Hageb, Torsten Thalheim, Kalpana J Nattamai, Bettina Möhrle, Mehmet Saçma, Vadim Sakk, Lars Thielecke, Kerstin Cornils, Carolin Grandy, Fabian Port, Kay-E Gottschalk, Jan-Philipp Mallm, Ingmar Glauche, Jörg Galle, Medhanie A Mulaw, Hartmut Geiger. Reduced adhesion of aged intestinal stem cells contributes to an accelerated clonal drift. Life Science Alliance. 2022. 5: e202201408.
- André Scherag, Wahram Andrikyan, Tobias Dreischulte, Pauline Dürr, Martin F. Fromm, Jan Gewehr, Ulrich Jaehde, Miriam Kesselmeier, Renke Maas, Petra A. Thürmann, Frank Meineke, Daniel Neumann, Julia Palm, Thomas Peschel, Editha Räuscher, Susann Schulze, Torsten Thalheim, Thomas Wendt, Markus Loeffler, D. Ammon, W. Andrikyan, U. Bartz, B. Bergh, T. Bertsche, O. Beyan, S. Biergans, H. Binder, M. Boeker, H. Bogatsch, R. Böhm, A. Böhmer, J. Brandes, C. Bulin, D. Caliskan, I. Cascorbi, M. Coenen, F. Dietz, F. Dörje, T. Dreischulte, J. Drepper, P. Dürr, A. Dürschmid, F. Eckelt, R. Eils, A. Eisert, C. Engel, F. Erdfelder, K. Farker, M. Federbusch, S. Franke, N. Freier, T. Frese, M. Fromm, K. Fünfgeld, T. Ganslandt, J. Gewehr, D. Grigutsch, W. Haefeli, U. Hahn, A. Härdtlein, R. Harnisch, S. Härterich, M. Hartmann, R. Häuslschmid, C. Haverkamp, O. Heinze, P. Horki, M. Hug, T. Iskra, U. Jaehde, S. Jäger, P. Jürs, C. Jüttner, J. Kaftan, T. Kaiser, K. Karsten Dafonte, M. Kesselmeier, S. Kiefer, S. Klasing, O. Kohlbacher, D. Kraska, S. Krause, S. Kreutzke, R. Krock, K. Kuhn, S. Lederer, M. Lehne, M. Löbe, M. Loeffler, C. Lohr, V. Lowitsch, N. Lüneburg, M. Lüönd, I. Lutz, R. Maas, U. Mansmann, K. Marquardt, A. Medek, F. Meineke, A. Merzweiler, others. POLAR – „POLypharmazie, Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen und Risiken“ – wie können Daten aus der stationären Krankenversorgung zur Beurteilung beitragen?. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung. 2022.
- Torsten Thalheim, Gabriele Aust, Joerg Galle. Organoid Cultures In Silico: Tools or Toys? . MDPI bioengineering. 2022. 10: 50.
- Torsten Thalheim, Tyll Krueger, Joerg Galle. Indirect Virus Transmission via Fomites Can Counteract Lock-Down Effectiveness. . International Journal Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022. 19: 14011.
- Romy Winkler, Marianne Quaas, Stefan Glasmacher, Uwe Wolfrum, Torsten Thalheim, Jörg Galle, Knut Krohn, Thomas M. Magin, Gabriela Aust. The Adhesion G-Protein-Coupled Receptor GPR115/ADGRF4 Regulates Epidermal Differentiation and Associates with Cytoskeletal KRT1. Cells. 2022. 11: 3151.
2021 (2)
- Felix Hofmann, Torsten Thalheim, Karen Rother, Marianne Quaas, Christiane Kerner, Jens Przybilla, Gabriela Aust, Joerg Galle. How to Obtain a Mega-Intestine with Normal Morphology: In Silico Modelling of Postnatal Intestinal Growth in a Cd97-Transgenic Mouse. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021. 22: 7345.
- T. Thalheim, S. Siebert, M. Quaas, M. Herberg, M. R. Schweiger, G. Aust, J. Galle. Epigenetic Drifts during Long-Term Intestinal Organoid Culture. Cells. 2021. 10: 1718.
2020 (1)
- T. Thalheim, L. Hopp, M. Herberg, S. Siebert, C. Kerner, M. Quaas, M. R. Schweiger, G. Aust, J. Galle. Fighting Against Promoter DNA Hyper-Methylation: Protective Histone Modification Profiles of Stress-Resistant Intestinal Stem Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2020. 21:
2019 (1)
- M. Herberg, S. Siebert, M. Quaas, T. Thalheim, K. Rother, M. Hussong, J. Altmuller, C. Kerner, J. Galle, M. R. Schweiger, G. Aust. Loss of Msh2 and a single-radiation hit induce common, genome-wide, and persistent epigenetic changes in the intestine. Clin Epigenetics. 2019. 11: 019-0639.
2018 (4)
- Y. A. Miroshnikova, H. Q. Le, D. Schneider, T. Thalheim, M. Rubsam, N. Bremicker, J. Polleux, N. Kamprad, M. Tarantola, I. Wang, M. Balland, C. M. Niessen, J. Galle, S. A. Wickstrom. Adhesion forces and cortical tension couple cell proliferation and differentiation to drive epidermal stratification. Nat Cell Biol. 2018. 20: 69-80.
- T. Thalheim, M. Herberg, J. Galle. Linking DNA Damage and Age-Related Promoter DNA Hyper-Methylation in the Intestine. In: Genes 2018.
- T. Thalheim, L. Hopp, H. Binder, G. Aust, J. Galle. On the Cooperation between Epigenetics and Transcription Factor Networks in the Specification of Tissue Stem Cells. Epigenomes. 2018. 2: 20.
- T. Thalheim, M. Quaas, M. Herberg, U. D. Braumann, C. Kerner, M. Loeffler, G. Aust, J. Galle. Linking stem cell function and growth pattern of intestinal organoids. Dev Biol. 2018. 433: 254-261.
2017 (1)
- T. Thalheim, M. Herberg, M. Loeffler, J. Galle. The Regulatory Capacity of Bivalent Genes-A Theoretical Approach. Int J Mol Sci. 2017. 18:
2016 (1)
- T. Thalheim, P. Buske, J. Przybilla, K. Rother, M. Loeffler, J. Galle. Stem cell competition in the gut: insights from multi-scale computational modelling. J R Soc Interface. 2016. 13:
2015 (1)
- Torsten Thalheim, Barbara Wagner, Ralph Kühne, Martin Middendorf, Gerrit Schüürmann. A Branch-and-Bound Approach for Tautomer Enumeration. Molecular Informatics. 2015. 34: 263-275.
2014 (1)
- Rolf Hühne, Torsten Thalheim, Jürgen Sühnel. AgeFactDB--the JenAge Ageing Factor Database--towards data integration in ageing research. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014. 42: D892--D896.
2010 (2)
- Torsten Thalheim, Armin Vollmer, Ralf-Uwe Ebert, Ralph Kühne, Gerrit Schüürmann. Tautomer identification and tautomer structure generation based on the InChI code. J Chem Inf Model. 2010. 50: 1223--1232.
- Torsten Thalheim. Tautomererzeugung basierend auf Inchi-String. Nachrichten aus der Chemie. 2010. 58: 1253--1255.
2008 (1)
- Torsten Thalheim, Daniel Merkle, Martin Middendorf. Protein Folding in the HP-Model Solved With a Hybrid Population Based ACO Algorithm. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science. 2008. 35: 291-300.