Dr. rer. nat. Lydia Hopp

Former IZBI Position: POST DOC
Current: Data Scientist bei Webfleet Solutions
former member of groups Omics bioinformatics for health and systems biology, Algorithms for complex data in life sciences
2022 (3)
- Hans Binder, Maria Schmidt, Lydia Hopp, Suren Davitavyan, Arsen Arakelyan, Henry Loeffler-Wirth. Integrated Multi-Omics Maps of Lower-Grade Gliomas. Cancers. 2022. 14:
- Henry Loeffler-Wirth, Lydia Hopp, Maria Schmidt, Roksana Zakharyan, Arsen Arakelyan, Hans Binder. The Transcriptome and Methylome of the Developing and Aging Brain and Their Relations to Gliomas and Psychological Disorders. Cells. 2022. 11: 362.
- Josefine Radke, Naveed Ishaque, Randi Koll, Zuguang Gu, Elisa Schumann, Lina Sieverling, Sebastian Uhrig, Daniel Hübschmann, Umut H. Toprak, Cristina López, Xavier Pastor Hostench, Simone Borgoni, Dilafruz Juraeva, Fabienne Pritsch, Nagarajan Paramasivam, Gnana Prakash Balasubramanian, Matthias Schlesner, Shashwat Sahay, Marc Weniger, Debora Pehl, Helena Radbruch, Anja Osterloh, Agnieszka Korfel, Martin Misch, Julia Onken, Katharina Faust, Peter Vajkoczy, Dag Moskopp, Yawen Wang, Andreas Jödicke, Lorenz Trümper, Ioannis Anagnostopoulos, Dido Lenze, Ralf Küppers, Michael Hummel, Clemens A. Schmitt, Otmar D. Wiestler, Stephan Wolf, Andreas Unterberg, Roland Eils, Christel Herold-Mende, Benedikt Brors, Reiner Siebert, Susanne Wagner, Andrea Haake, Julia Richter, Gesine Richter, Chris Lawerenz, Jürgen Eils, Jules Kerssemakers, Christina Jaeger-Schmidt, Ingrid Scholz, Anke K. Bergmann, Christoph Borst, Friederike Braulke, Birgit Burkhardt, Alexander Claviez, Martin Dreyling, Sonja Eberth, Hermann Einsele, Norbert Frickhofen, Siegfried Haas, Martin-Leo Hansmann, Dennis Karsch, Nicole Klepl, Michael Kneba, Jasmin Lisfeld, Luisa Mantovani-Löffler, Marius Rohde, German Ott, Christina Stadler, Peter Staib, Stephan Stilgenbauer, Thorsten Zenz, Dieter Kube, Wolfram Klapper, Ulrike Kostezka, Peter Möller, Andreas Rosenwald, Monika Szczepanowski, Ole Ammerpohl, Sietse M. Aukema, Vera Binder, Arndt Borkhardt, Jessica I. Hoell, Ellen Leich, Peter Lichter, Inga Nagel, Jordan Pischimariov, Bernhard Radlwimmer, Philip Rosenstiel, Markus Schilhabel, Stefan Schreiber, Inga Vater, Rabea Wagener, Stephan H. Bernhart, Hans Binder, Gero Doose, Steve Hoffmann, Lydia Hopp, others. The genomic and transcriptional landscape of primary central nervous system lymphoma. Nature communications. 2022. 13: 2558.
2021 (2)
- S. Elgaafary, C. López, I. Nagel, I. Vater, S. Bens, M. Szczepanowski, L. Hopp, H. Binder, R. Siebert, et al. Molecular characterization of Burkitt lymphoma in the breast or ovary. Leuk Lymphoma. 2021. 1-10.
- E. Willscher, L. Hopp, M. Kreuz, M. Schmidt, S. Hakobyan, A. Arakelyan, H. Loeffler-Wirth, H. Binder, et al. High-Resolution Cartography of the Transcriptome and Methylome Landscapes of Diffuse Gliomas. Cancers (Basel). 2021. 13:
2020 (4)
- M. Keller, A. Yaskolka Meir, S. H. Bernhart, Y. Gepner, I. Shelef, D. Schwarzfuchs, G. Tsaban, H. Zelicha, L. Hopp, L. Müller, K. Rohde, Y. Böttcher, P. F. Stadler, M. Stumvoll, M. Blüher, P. Kovacs, I. Shai. DNA methylation signature in blood mirrors successful weight-loss during lifestyle interventions: the CENTRAL trial. Genome Med. 2020. 12: 97.
- M. Schmidt, L. Hopp, A. Arakelyan, H. Kirsten, H. Loeffler-Wirth, H. Binder, et al. The Human Blood Transcriptome in a Large Population Cohort and Its Relation to Aging and Health. Front Big Data. 2020. 3: 548873.
- T. Thalheim, L. Hopp, M. Herberg, S. Siebert, C. Kerner, M. Quaas, M. R. Schweiger, G. Aust, J. Galle. Fighting Against Promoter DNA Hyper-Methylation: Protective Histone Modification Profiles of Stress-Resistant Intestinal Stem Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2020. 21:
- M. Schmidt, L. Hopp, A. Arakelyan, H. Kirsten, C. Engel, K. Wirkner, M. Loeffler, H. Loeffler-Wirth, H. Binder, et al. The Human Blood Transcriptome in a Large Population Cohort and Its Relation to Aging and Health. 2020.
2019 (5)
- A. Arakelyan, L. Nersisyan, M. Nikoghosyan, S. Hakobyan, A. Simonyan, L. Hopp, H. Loeffler-Wirth, H. Binder. Transcriptome-Guided Drug Repositioning. Pharmaceutics. 2019. 11:
- H. Binder, E. Willscher, H. Loeffler-Wirth, L. Hopp, D. T. W. Jones, S. M. Pfister, M. Kreuz, D. Gramatzki, E. Fortenbacher, B. Hentschel, M. Loeffler, et al. DNA methylation, transcriptome and genetic copy number signatures of diffuse cerebral WHO grade II/III gliomas resolve cancer heterogeneity and development. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2019. 7: 019-0704.
- H. Loeffler-Wirth, M. Kreuz, L. Hopp, A. Arakelyan, A. Haake, S. B. Cogliatti, A. C. Feller, M. L. Hansmann, D. Lenze, P. Moller, H. K. Muller - Hermelink, E. Fortenbacher, E. Willscher, G. Ott, A. Rosenwald, C. Pott, C. Schwaenen, H. Trautmann, S. Wessendorf, H. Stein, M. Szczepanowski, L. Trumper, M. Hummel, W. Klapper, R. Siebert, M. Loeffler, H. Binder. A modular transcriptome map of mature B cell lymphomas. Genome Med. 2019. 11: 019-0637.
- C. Lopez, K. Kleinheinz, S. M. Aukema, M. Rohde, S. H. Bernhart, D. Hubschmann, R. Wagener, U. H. Toprak, F. Raimondi, M. Kreuz, H. Binder, G. Doose, L. Hopp, P. F. Stadler, M. Loeffler, et al. Genomic and transcriptomic changes complement each other in the pathogenesis of sporadic Burkitt lymphoma. Nat Commun. 2019. 10: 019-08578.
- L. Nersisyan, L. Hopp, H. Loeffler-Wirth, J. Galle, M. Loeffler, A. Arakelyan, H. Binder. Telomere Length Maintenance and Its Transcriptional Regulation in Lynch Syndrome and Sporadic Colorectal Carcinoma. Front Oncol. 2019. 9:
2018 (4)
- L. Hopp, H. Loffler-Wirth, J. Galle, H. Binder. Combined SOM-portrayal of gene expression and DNA methylation landscapes disentangles modes of epigenetic regulation in glioblastoma. Epigenomics. 2018. 10: 745-764.
- L. Hopp, H. Loeffler-Wirth, L. Nersisyan, A. Arakelyan, H. Binder. Footprints of Sepsis Framed Within Community Acquired Pneumonia in the Blood Transcriptome. Front Immunol. 2018. 9: 1620.
- M. Kunz, H. Loffler-Wirth, M. Dannemann, E. Willscher, G. Doose, J. Kelso, T. Kottek, B. Nickel, L. Hopp, J. Landsberg, S. Hoffmann, T. Tuting, P. Zigrino, C. Mauch, J. Utikal, M. Ziemer, H. J. Schulze, M. Holzel, A. Roesch, S. Kneitz, S. Meierjohann, A. Bosserhoff, H. Binder, M. Schartl. RNA-seq analysis identifies different transcriptomic types and developmental trajectories of primary melanomas. Oncogene. 2018. 37: 6136-6151.
- T. Thalheim, L. Hopp, H. Binder, G. Aust, J. Galle. On the Cooperation between Epigenetics and Transcription Factor Networks in the Specification of Tissue Stem Cells. Epigenomes. 2018. 2: 20.
2017 (6)
- H. Binder, L. Hopp, M. R. Schweiger, S. Hoffmann, F. Juhling, M. Kerick, B. Timmermann, S. Siebert, C. Grimm, L. Nersisyan, A. Arakelyan, M. Herberg, P. Buske, H. Loeffler-Wirth, M. Rosolowski, C. Engel, J. Przybilla, M. Peifer, N. Friedrichs, G. Moeslein, M. Odenthal, M. Hussong, S. Peters, S. Holzapfel, J. Nattermann, R. Hueneburg, W. Schmiegel, B. Royer-Pokora, S. Aretz, M. Kloth, M. Kloor, R. Buettner, J. Galle, M. Loeffler. Genomic and transcriptomic heterogeneity of colorectal tumours arising in Lynch syndrome. J Pathol. 2017. 243: 242-254.
- T. Gerber, E. Willscher, H. Loeffler-Wirth, L. Hopp, D. Schadendorf, M. Schartl, U. Anderegg, G. Camp, B. Treutlein, H. Binder, M. Kunz. Mapping heterogeneity in patient-derived melanoma cultures by single-cell RNA-seq. Oncotarget. 2017. 8: 846-862.
- Z. Hamidouche, K. Rother, J. Przybilla, A. Krinner, D. Clay, L. Hopp, C. Fabian, A. Stolzing, H. Binder, P. Charbord, J. Galle. Bistable Epigenetic States Explain Age-Dependent Decline in Mesenchymal Stem Cell Heterogeneity. Stem Cells. 2017. 35: 694-704.
- M. Keller, L. Hopp, X. Liu, T. Wohland, K. Rohde, R. Cancello, M. Klös, K. Bacos, M. Kern, F. Eichelmann, A. Dietrich, M. R. Schön, D. Gärtner, T. Lohmann, M. Dreßler, M. Stumvoll, P. Kovacs, A. DiBlasio, C. Ling, H. Binder, M. Blüher, Y. Böttcher. Genome-wide DNA promoter methylation and transcriptome analysis in human adipose tissue unravels novel candidate genes for obesity. Molecular Metabolism. 2017. 6: 86-100.
- J. Przybilla, L. Hopp, M. Lubbert, M. Loeffler, J. Galle. Targeting DNA hypermethylation: Computational modeling of DNA demethylation treatment of acute myeloid leukemia. Epigenetics. 2017. 12: 886-896.
- K. Rohde, M. Klos, L. Hopp, X. Liu, M. Keller, M. Stumvoll, A. Dietrich, M. R. Schon, D. Gartner, T. Lohmann, M. Dressler, P. Kovacs, H. Binder, M. Bluher, Y. Bottcher. IRS1 DNA promoter methylation and expression in human adipose tissue are related to fat distribution and metabolic traits. Sci Rep. 2017. 7: 12369.
2016 (1)
- T. Gerber, E. Willscher, H. Loeffler-Wirth, L. Hopp, D. Schadendorf, M. Schartl, U. Anderegg, G. Camp, B. Treutlein, H. Binder, M. Kunz. Mapping heterogeneity in patient-derived melanoma cultures by single-cell RNA-seq. Oncotarget. 2016.
2015 (4)
- H. Binder, L. Hopp, K. Lembcke, H. Wirth. Personalized disease phenotypes from massive omics data. In: Big Data Analytics in Bioinformatics and Healthcare , IGI Global , Hershey, PA, USA. 2015. 359-378. Ed: Baoying, Wang and Ruowang, Li and William, Perrizo.
- L. Hopp, H. Löffler-Wirth, H. Binder. Epigenetic Heterogeneity of B-Cell Lymphoma: DNA Methylation, Gene Expression and Chromatin States. Genes (Basel). 2015. 6: 812-40.
- L. Hopp, L. Nersisyan, H. Löffler-Wirth, A. Arakelyan, H. Binder. Epigenetic Heterogeneity of B-Cell Lymphoma: Chromatin Modifiers. Genes (Basel). 2015. 6: 1076-112.
- L. Hopp, E. Willscher, H. Löffler-Wirth, H. Binder. Function Shapes Content: DNA-Methylation Marker Genes and their Impact for Molecular Mechanisms of Glioma. Journal of Cancer Research Updates. 2015. 11/2015: 127-148.
2014 (4)
- M. V. Cakir, H. Wirth, L. Hopp, H. Binder. MicroRNA Expression Landscapes in Stem Cells, Tissues, and Cancer. Methods Mol Biol. 2014. 1107: 279-302.
- Mehmet Volkan Çakir, Henry Wirth, Lydia Hopp, Hans Binder. MicroRNA Expression Landscapes in Stem Cells, Tissues, and Cancer. In: miRNomics: MicroRNA Biology and Computational Analysis, Humana Press 2014. 1107: 279-302. Ed: Yousef, Malik and Allmer, Jens.
- H. Wirth, M. V. Cakir, L. Hopp, H. Binder. Analysis of MicroRNA Expression Using Machine Learning. Methods Mol Biol. 2014. 1107: 257-78.
- H. Wirth, M.V. Çakir, L. Hopp, H. Binder. Analysis of MicroRNA Expression Using Machine Learning. In: miRNomics: MicroRNA Biology and Computational Analysis, Humana Press 2014. 1107: 257-278. Ed: Yousef, Malik and Allmer, Jens.
2013 (1)
- L. Hopp, H. Wirth, M. Fasold, H. Binder. Portraying the expression landscapes of cancer subtypes: a glioblastoma multiforme and prostate cancer case study. Systems Biomedicine. 2013. 1:
2012 (1)
- L. Steiner, L. Hopp, H. Wirth, J. Galle, H. Binder, S. J. Prohaska, T. Rohlf. A global genome segmentation method for exploration of epigenetic patterns. PLoS One. 2012. 7: e46811.
2011 (2)
- H. Binder, M. Fasold, L. Hopp, M.V. Cakir, L. Nikkhah G. Armstrong, A. Stolzing. Portraying high-dimensional -omics data with individual resolution. In: CAMDA 2011.
- H. Binder, M. Fasold, L. Hopp, V. Cakir, M. von Bergen, H. Wirth. Genomic and molecular Phenotypic Portraits - Exploring The "Omes" With Individual Resolution. In: 6th International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (HIBIT) 2011. 115-122. Ed: Explore, IEEE.